Clifton Conrad
Higher education expert on equal educational opportunity and curriculum (student learning) at both the undergraduate and graduate levels
Professor emeritus, educational leadership and policy analysis School of Education Work: 608-263-3411 — Home and cell phones available upon request Conrad@education.wisc.edu Home page
- Undergraduate and graduate education, including teaching and learning
- Program quality in higher education
- Minority-serving institutions of higher education (HBCUs, tribal colleges, Hispanic-serving institutions)
- Expert Witness in major civil rights cases (race and gender) for more than 30 years, including two cases reviewed by the U.S. Supreme Court
- Co-author, Educating a Diverse Nation: Lessons from Minority Serving Institutions. (2015)
- Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor
- Former president, Association for the Study of Higher Education
- Co-author, Cultivating Inquiry-Driven Learners: A College Education for the Twenty-First Century (2012)