Lisa Forrest
Expert on clinical trials for pet dogs with cancer, and diagnostic imaging for dogs, cats, horses, cows and exotic species
Professor, radiology and radiation oncology, veterinary medicine; director of Tomotherapy; section chief, radiotherapy School of Veterinary Medicine Work: 608-263-5668 — Home and cell phones available upon request lforrest@wisc.edu Home page
- Clinical trials using radiation therapy to treat pet dogs with cancer, helping both pet dogs and ultimately humans with cancer
- Diagnostic imaging, including radiography, ultrasound, CT, MR, PET and nuclear medicine
- Using PET imaging to individualize radiation treatment plans for pet dogs with spontaneous cancer
- Member, Paul Carbone UW Comprehensive Cancer Center
- Carl J. Norden-Pfizer Distinguished Teacher Award, 2006
- President, Recognized Specialty of Veterinary Radiation Oncology, 2004-06