Tag imaging, medical

James Stein
Professor, cardiovascular medicine; director, preventive cardiology
Cardiologist with expertise in preventive cardiology and cardiovascular imaging. Research focus on atherosclerosis and arterial imaging

Oliver Wieben
Assistant professor, medical physics and radiology
Expert on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and cardiovascular imaging

Frederick Kelcz
Associate professor, radiology
Expert on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for breast, abdomen and pelvis

Lisa Forrest
Professor, radiology and radiation oncology, veterinary medicine; director of Tomotherapy; section chief, radiotherapy
Expert on clinical trials for pet dogs with cancer, and diagnostic imaging for dogs, cats, horses, cows and exotic species

Scott Nagle
Assistant professor, radiology
Expert on lung and cardiovascular imaging and the use of imaging in clinical trials.

Sanjay Asthana
Associate dean for gerontology; professor and division head, geriatrics
Expert on Alzheimer’s disease, aging, neuroscience, geriatrics, academic research infrastructure, and clinical trials design.

Barbara Bendlin
Associate professor, medicine, geriatrics and gerontology
Expert on factors that contribute to or protect against the development of dementia due to Alzheimer’s disease

Sterling Johnson
Professor, medicine, geriatrics and gerontology
Clinical neuropsychologist and expert in early identification of Alzheimer’s disease through advanced brain imaging