Louise Robbins
Expert on history of American librarianship during the Cold War, libraries and librarianship generally, strategic planning in librarianship, library education
Professor, library and information studies International Division Work: 608-263-2955 — Home and cell phones available upon request lsrobbin@wisc.edu Home page
- History of libraries and librarianship from the 1930s-1960s, especially intellectual freedom and censorship, as well as services to African Americans
- Economic, social and educational value of public libraries in a democracy
- Strategic planning and outcomes assessment for public libraries, including process of establishing mission, goals, objectives and means of measurement
- Author of award-winning "The Dismissal of Miss Ruth Brown: Civil Rights, Censorship, and the American Library."
- One of 100 Notable Librarians, Oklahoma Library Association, 2007
- President, Association for Library and Information Science Education (two years)
- Informal consultant to Gov. Thompson's Task Force on Privacy