Lydia Zepeda
Expert on sustainable consumption, organic and local foods, CSA, farmers' markets, mobile markets,time use, food labels, family farm labor,labor policy
Professor emerita, consumer science School of Human Ecology Work: 608-262-9487 lzepeda@wisc.edu Home page
- University labor licensing policies
- Time allocation and labor decisions on family farms
- Consumer preferences for food labels
- Local food systems: farmers markets, CSA, mobile markets, demand for local and organic foods
- Sustainable and socially just consumption choices
- Designed and teach Cnsr Sci 360 "Sustainable and Socially Just Consumption"
- Volunteer Spanish Language Translator for the UW Family Law Clinic and the UW Immigrant Justice Project
- Invited speaker, "Combatting food deserts with mobile markets” (in French) 3rd colloquium of the UNESCO World Food Chairs, 2014 Montpellier, France Audience = 500 registrants
- Author, “Overcoming challenges to effectiveness of mobile markets in US food deserts” Appetite (79), 2014: 58-67.
- Faculty Advisor since 2007, Slow Food UW - student org serving about 500 sustainable locally sources meals a week for around $5 each