Morgan Jerald
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Journalists: Please use these pronouns when appropriate.
Expert on how people learn about gender and race stereotypes from the media and subsequent effects on health.
Assistant Professor, Psychology College of Letters and Science — Home and cell phones available upon request mjerald@wisc.edu Home page Twitter: @morgancjerald
- How does people's awareness of stereotypes of their group negatively affect their health?
- What stereotypical beliefs about gender and race do people learn from the media (telelvision, social media, etc.)?
- How does media use negatively influence women and girls' attitudes about their body image?
- How do gendered, racialized stereotypes negatively affect Black women's attitudes toward their sexual experiences and romantic relationships?
- How can strengthening racial/ethnic identity and media literacy programs help Black Americans protect against negative, stereotypical messages encountered in the media?
- Published research in a variety of peer-review Psychology journals, including the Journal of Counseling Psychology, Journal of Black Psychology, and Psychology of Women Quarterly.
- Teaches the Psychology of Women & Gender, Human Sexuality, and the Psychology of Black Women
- Co-organizer of Flourish, an NSF-funded network for pre-tenure psychologists of color
- Frequently gives invited talks and interviews on research community groups, businesses, and on podcasts.