Neeraj Arora
Expert on marketing research, brand analytics, mathematical models of consumer behavior, and marketing strategy.
Professor, business (marketing) Wisconsin School of Business Work: 608-262-1990 — Home and cell phones available upon request narora@bus.wisc.edu Home page
- Marketing research methods for consumer needs assessment, product design and segmentation
- Statistical models of consumer choice and choice decisions that involve multiple decision-makers
- Branding issues, such as cause association and portfolio management
- Research focuses on marketing problems that require statistical models of consumer choice.
- Research appeared in Journal of Marketing Research, Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Research, International Journal of Research in Marketing and Marketing Letters
- Serves on editorial board of Journal of Marketing Research, Marketing Science, Quantitative Marketing and Economics (associate editor), Journal of Marketing
- Senior editor, Journal of Retailing and Customer Needs and Solutions
- Lawrence J. Larson Teaching Excellence Award, Pamplin College of Business Certificate of Teaching Excellence