Richard Hartel
Expert in candy science and food manufacturing.
Professor, food science; director of UW’s Resident Course in Confectionery Technology, a.k.a. "Candy School" College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Work: 608-263-1965 rwhartel@wisc.edu Home page
- Phase transitions (crystallization, glass transition, drying) in foods
- Confectionery science (chocolate, sugar candy, etc.) and technology
- Dairy science (ice cream) and technology
- UW-Madison Van Hise Distinguished Outreach Teaching Award (2023)
- Supelco Award, American Oil Chemists Society (AOCS) (2019)
- Candy Hall of Fame, National Confectionery Sales Association (NCSA) (2017)
- Lifetime Achievement Award, International Assoc. Food Engineers (IAFE) (2015)
- Author of "Confectionery Science and Technology" and "Candy Bites: The Science of Sweets"