Robin Valenza
Expert on 18th- and 19th-century British literature and culture, history of academic disciplines, digital humanities, graphic novel, 20th/21st-century comic books
Associate professor, English College of Letters and Science Work: 608-263-3784 valenza@wisc.edu Home page
- British literature in the long 18th century, from the English Restoration in the 1660s through Romanticism in the 1820s
- history of academic disciplines, including rivalry between the sciences and the humanities
- popularization of specialized research, particularly how experts communicate their work to a wider reading public
- academic writing
- digital humanities, especially the ways in which tools and data available electronically can provide new insight into old books
- life and times of Samuel Johnson and his contemporaries
- Comics and the graphic novel: from the comic books of the 19th-century to comics of the present day, including detective, superhero, historical/biographical, science fictional
- Author, Literature, Language, and the Rise of the Intellectual Disciplines in Britain, 1680-1820, Cambridge, 2009
- Author, "How Literature Becomes Knowledge: A Case Study," ELH, Spring 2009