Aparna Dharwadker
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Journalists: Please use these pronouns when appropriate.
Expert on modern Indian literature and theater, post-colonial literature and theater, contemporary world theater, global Indian diaspora, comparative theater theory
Professor, English; Professor, Interdisciplinary Theatre Studies College of Letters and Science Work: 608-263-3790 — Home and cell phones available upon request adharwadker@wisc.edu Home page
- Modern Indian literature, theater and culture
- Postcolonial literature and theater from Africa, the Caribbean, and India
- Anglophone literature and film produced by writers/artists from South Asia who live in Britain and North America
- Contemporary world theater in English and English translation
- Western and non-Western theories of theatre
- Joe A. Callaway Prize for best book in drama or theater, 2006 and 2020
- Author, "Theaters of independence: Drama, Theory and Urban Performance in India Since 1947," 2005
- H. I. Romnes Faculty Fellowship in the Humanities, Graduate school and Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation
- Member, Fulbright National Screening Committee for India
- Fellowships from National Endowment for the Humanities and American Institute for Indian Studies, 1998, 2007, 2021