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Cynthie Wautlet

Cynthie Wautlet

Expert in group prenatal care, obesity and pregnancy, and global and public health

Associate professor, obstetrics and gynecology School of Medicine and Public Health Home page


  • Global health
  • Obesity and excess gestational weight gain in pregnancy
  • CenteringPregnancy group prenatal care


  • External Medical School Examiner, Hawassa University College of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Hawassa Ethiopia
  • Selection to "Diversity Tour," The Obesity Society National Meeting, "Physician-Perceived Barriers to Effective Gestational Weight Gain Counseling in Low-Income Women with Overweight/Obesity"
  • Community Partner, Wisconsin Partnership Program Community Academic Partnership Development Grant – Dane County YMCA, "Building a Community-Academic Partnership to Promote Healthy Weight in Wisconsin Women”
  • eHealth/mHealth Award, Obesity Society, "Downstream Effects of Meaningful Use Initiative to Improve Gestational Weight Gain Counseling: Effect on Gestational Weight Gain & Early Diabetes Screening"
  • Senior author, "Improving Gestational Weight Gain Counseling Through Meaningful Use of an Electronic Medical Record," Journal of Maternal and Child Health, Nov 2014
  • Presenter, "Growing the Circle of Group Prenatal Care in Wisconsin," National Centering Healthcare Institute national meeting
  • Primary Investigator, March of Dimes Wisconsin Chapter Grant, "Implementation of CenteringPregnancy Group Prenatal Care"
