Tag gynecology/obstetrics

Lee Dresang
Associate professor, family medicine
Expert in family medicine, obstetrics, international maternity care, underserved care, Latino health, rural health, women's health, medical education, violence prevention
Jesus Iruretagoyena
Assistant professor, obstetrics and gynecology; Director, Center for Perinatal Care
Physician and expert in the areas of high-risk obstetrics, maternal-fetal medicine, and fetal ultrasound (specifically fetal central nervous system)

Ahmed Al-Niaimi
Assistant professor, obstetrics and gynecology
Gynecologic oncologist at the UW Carbone Cancer Center and expert on single port laparoscopy and surgical outcome and quality

Lisa Barroilhet
Associate professor, obstetrics and gynecology
Gynecologic oncologist at UW Carbone Cancer Center and expert in ovarian cancer, drug development, and HPV and cervical cancer screening

Dobie Giles
Associate professor, obstetrics and gynecology; director, gynecology and gynecologic subspecialties
Urogynecologist and expert on surgical and non-surgical treatment of pelvic organ prolapse, urinary incontinence, and minimally invasive gynecologic surgery

Stephen Rose
Associate professor, obstetrics and gynecology; director, gynecologic oncology fellowship
Gynecologic oncologist at UW Carbone Cancer Center and expert on quality of life issues in cancer care

Cara King
Assistant professor, obstetrics and gynecology
Gynecologist and expert on minimally invasive gynecologic surgery; surgical management of pelvic pain; endometriosis; and medical education

Cynthie Wautlet
Associate professor, obstetrics and gynecology
Expert in group prenatal care, obesity and pregnancy, and global and public health

Heidi Brown
Assistant professor, obstetrics and gynecology
Expert in female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery, accidental bowel leakage, and therapies for urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse

Mary Landry
Clinical associate professor, obstetrics and gynecology
Physician and expert on long acting reversible contraception (LARC) and college health; co-founder of community non-profit free gynecology clinic