Tag health, women's

Pamela Kreeger
Assistant professor, biomedical engineering
Expert in systems biology, endocrinology, cancer and women's health

Suzanne Selvaggi
Professor, pathology; director, Anatomic Pathology and Cytopathology
Expert on gynecologic cytopathology and thyroid fine needle aspiration cytopathology

Sarina Schrager
Associate professor, family medicine
Expert on general women's health issues, with a focus on reproductive health and osteoporosis

Lee Dresang
Associate professor, family medicine
Expert in family medicine, obstetrics, international maternity care, underserved care, Latino health, rural health, women's health, medical education, violence prevention

Lori DiPrete Brown
Associate director, Global Health Institute, Director, 4W Initiative, Distinguised Faculty Associate, SOHE
Global health expert focusing on women, children and highly vulnerable populations. Works to improve quality of health and social services from a human rights perspective.
Jesus Iruretagoyena
Assistant professor, obstetrics and gynecology; Director, Center for Perinatal Care
Physician and expert in the areas of high-risk obstetrics, maternal-fetal medicine, and fetal ultrasound (specifically fetal central nervous system)

Ahmed Al-Niaimi
Assistant professor, obstetrics and gynecology
Gynecologic oncologist at the UW Carbone Cancer Center and expert on single port laparoscopy and surgical outcome and quality

Lisa Barroilhet
Associate professor, obstetrics and gynecology
Gynecologic oncologist at UW Carbone Cancer Center and expert in ovarian cancer, drug development, and HPV and cervical cancer screening

Stephen Rose
Associate professor, obstetrics and gynecology; director, gynecologic oncology fellowship
Gynecologic oncologist at UW Carbone Cancer Center and expert on quality of life issues in cancer care

Cynthie Wautlet
Associate professor, obstetrics and gynecology
Expert in group prenatal care, obesity and pregnancy, and global and public health

Deborah Ehrenthal
Associate professor, obstetrics and gynecology; Faculty director, Lifecourse Initiative for Healthy Families
MD, MPH, and expert in women's health, perinatal epidemiology, and maternal and child health

Judith Houck
Associate professor, gender and women's studies, medical history and bioethics, and history of science
Expert on the history of women's health

Kathleen Antony
Clinical Assistant Professor, Obstetrics and Gynecology
Maternal-fetal medicine specialist and expert on global maternal and child health. Able to discuss Zika virus and pregnancy.