Daniel Schaefer
Expert on beef cattle production systems, meat quality and fermentation in rumenon
emeritus professor in the UW–Madison Department of Animal Sciences College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Work: 608-263-4513 — Home and cell phones available upon request schaeferd@ansci.wisc.edu Home page
- Nutrition and grazing research with beef cattle and Holstein steers, feed additives and muscle growth enhancement
- Beef quality, an important determinant of meat price and value
- Rumen microbes, digestibility, fermentation products, microbial protein
- Taught beef cattle production course since 1981
- My research revealed the impact of dietary vitamin E on fresh meat color stability
- Taught rumen microbiology since 1982 and conducted research in the field since 1975
- Member, Grow Wisconsin Livestock Initiative Panel, Wisconsin Department of Agriculture and Consumer Protection