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Toni Ziegler

Toni Ziegler

Expert on neuroendocrinology of male parental care in primates and on methods to measure neurologically active hormones

Distinguished Scientist; Emeritus, Wisconsin National Primate Research Center — Home and cell phones available upon request Home page


  • Family social structure and endocrine changes
  • Parenting and neuroendocrine mechanisms
  • Hormonal determinants and methodology


  • Member, Society of Behavioral Neuroendocrinology, American Society of Primatologists, International Primatological Society
  • Author, "The endocrinology of family relationships in monkeys" in "Endocrinology of Social Relationships"
  • Author, 2006, "Pregnancy weight gain: marmoset and tamarin dads show it too" Royal Society, Biology Letters, 2:181-183.
  • Author, 2005, "Fecal steroid research in the field and laboratory: Improved methods of storage, transport, processing and analysis," American Journal of Primatology
