Tag neurology

Toni Ziegler
Distinguished Scientist; Emeritus, Wisconsin National Primate Research Center
Expert on neuroendocrinology of male parental care in primates and on methods to measure neurologically active hormones

Paul Rutecki
Professor, neurology and neurosurgery; vice chair, Department of Neurology; chief of neurology, VA hospital
Expert on epilepsy, clinical neurophysiology, development disabilities, metabotropic glutamate receptors, hippocampal synaptic synchronization, animal models of epilepsy

Peter Lalley
Emeritus professor, physiology
Expert in brain and spinal cord control of respiration; autonomic nervous system; neurotransmitters and control of respiration, effects of ageing on respiratory nervous system.

Douglas Dulli
Professor emeritus of neurology
Expert in chronic headache, migraine, stroke and stroke rehab as well as tropical medicine