Tag biology, cell

Ahna Skop
Professor of Genetics
Expert on cell division in animal cells, characterized the midbody (new organelle), uses scientific art for outreach, coloring book author, social media and science engagement

Kurt Amann
Associate professor, molecular biology and zoology
Expert on the shape changes and mechanical properties of cells

James Weisshaar
Professor, chemistry
Expert on fluorescence microscopy of biological species, in living cells and in model systems

Suzanne Selvaggi
Professor, pathology; director, Anatomic Pathology and Cytopathology
Expert on gynecologic cytopathology and thyroid fine needle aspiration cytopathology

Grace Boekhoff-Falk
Associate professor, anatomy
Expert in cell biology and genetics of animal development; development and evolution of limbs and neural tissues

Sarah Swanson
Director, Newcomb Imaging Center, Department of Botany
Expert on microscopic observation of biology