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Tag immune/immunity/immunology

Robert Lemanske Jr.

Robert Lemanske Jr.

Emeritus Professor, pediatrics and medicine; head, Division of Pediatric Allergy, Immunology and Rheumatology

Expert on the pathophysiology and treatment of childhood asthma and allergic diseases

Douglas McNeel

Douglas McNeel

Associate professor, medicine

Expert on prostate cancer, anti-tumor vaccines and other anti-cancer immunotherapies

Marulasiddappa Suresh

Marulasiddappa Suresh

Associate professor, immunology, pathobiological sciences

Pathogenesis and immunology of viral infections

Neal Barney

Neal Barney

Associate professor, ophthalmology and visual sciences

Expert on immunologic and allergic diseases of the eye

Erik Ranheim

Erik Ranheim

Assistant professor, pathology and laboratory medicine; program director, Pathology Residency Program

Expert on cancers of the blood system and medical education

Mark Moss

Mark Moss

Associate professor, medicine and pediatrics; section of allergy, pulmonary and critical care

Expert on treating asthma and allergic diseases in children and young adults; principal investigator on clinical studies

Christine Seroogy

Christine Seroogy

Professor, pediatrics

Expert in immune regulation, CD25+ T regulatory cells, cellular immunology, autoimmunity, allergic diseases, primary immunodeficiencies