Tag education, medical

Matthew (Matt) Jensen
Assistant professor, neurology
Expert on stroke/cerebrovascular disease, stroke clinical research, cell therapy for stroke and medical education

Peggy Scallon
Clinical Associate Professor Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Residency training director, child and adolescent psychiatry

Erik Ranheim
Assistant professor, pathology and laboratory medicine; program director, Pathology Residency Program
Expert on cancers of the blood system and medical education

Norman Jensen
Professor emeritus, medicine
Expert in patient-clinician relationship and communication

Lee Dresang
Associate professor, family medicine
Expert in family medicine, obstetrics, international maternity care, underserved care, Latino health, rural health, women's health, medical education, violence prevention

Curtis Olson
Assistant professor, medicine
Expert on using education to improve quality, safety and cost-effectiveness of medical care

Dipesh Navsaria
Professor of Pediatrics; Clinical Professor of Human Development and Family Studies
Expert on early literacy in children, child health advocacy & policy, public health, medical education, and early care and education.

Stephen Rose
Associate professor, obstetrics and gynecology; director, gynecologic oncology fellowship
Gynecologic oncologist at UW Carbone Cancer Center and expert on quality of life issues in cancer care

Cara King
Assistant professor, obstetrics and gynecology
Gynecologist and expert on minimally invasive gynecologic surgery; surgical management of pelvic pain; endometriosis; and medical education

Dr. Rebecca Sippel
Associate professor, surgery; Chief, Endocrine Surgery, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Nationally recognized leader in field of endocrine surgery, specializing in the treatment of problems of thyroid, parathyroid and adrenal glands