Tag agriculture

Scott Rankin
Associate professor, food science
Expert on dairy foods processing and chemistry, leading to changes in function, flavor and color

Matthew Digman
Assistant Professor,Biological Systems Engineering
Expertise in agricultural field machinery design, management, economics and operation

Yiqun Weng
Professor, plant and agroecosystem sciences
Expert in plant genetics, genomics and breeding

Matt Ruark
Assistant professor, soil science
Expert in agricultural nutrient recommendations, nitrogen and phosphorus losses

Amanda Gevens
Chair and Prof.; Extension Vegetable Pathologist; plant pathology
Expert on potato and vegetable disease identification, characterization, and management; hop diseases; production and post-harvest/storage diseases; oomycete pathogens; biopesticides

Andrew Bent
Professor, plant pathology; science adviser to dean of International Studies
Expert in plant molecular biology and biotechnology, especially in relation to agriculture

Jean-Michel Ané
Professor, Bacteriology and plant and agroecosystem sciences
Expert on plant-microbe symbioses, nitrogen-fixation, mycorrhizae and legume genetics

Dan Undersander
Professor emeritus, plant and agroecosystem sciences
Expert on forage production, grazing, and hay, haylage, and silage making

Steve Ventura
Professor, environmental studies and soil science; Director, Land Tenure Center
Expert in community food systems, land tenure, GIS, agricultural land management

Peter Carstensen
Professor, law
Expert on competition law and policy (antitrust law and economic regulation); energy regulation; agricultural market regulation; insurance and torts

Laura Jull
Associate professor and extension specialist, plant and agroecosystem sciences
Expert on woody ornamentals, including trees, shrubs, evergreens and vines; nursery management, landscape installation and maintenance; tree care

Shawn Kaeppler
Professor, plant and agroecosystem sciences
Expert in maize, corn, genetics, biofuel, epigenetics, plant breeding, plant biotechnology, transgenic plants, crops for underdeveloped countries, plant roots

Mo Fayyaz
Distinguished faculty associate, botany
Expert on greenhouse, botanical garden and selected plants for teaching

Tom Crenshaw
Professor, animal sciences
Expert in swine nutrition and management, animal nutrition, bone growth and minerals

T. Douglas Price
Professor emeritus, anthropology
Expert on archaeology, European prehistory, archaeological chemistry, hunter-gatherers, migration, origins of agriculture, sociocultural complexity
Jae-Hyuk Yu
Professor, bacteriology, genetics, Food Research Institute
Expert on fungi, molds, mycotoxins, Detoxification of aflatoxin, patulin, and ochratoxin A. Natural antimicrobials using GRAS fungi, Human hair restoration using fermented products

Scott Bowe
Associate professor; wood products extension specialist
Expert in wood product manufacturing, demand and utilization