Tag chemistry

Srinivasan Damodaran
Professor, food science
Expert on food science, protein chemistry, dairy chemistry, hydrogels

Robert Hamers
Professor, chemistry; director, Center for Sustainable Nanotechnology
Expert on nanotechnology, sustainability, renewable energy environmental science, surface and interface science

Scott Rankin
Associate professor, food science
Expert on dairy foods processing and chemistry, leading to changes in function, flavor and color
James (Jim) Maynard
Senior instructional Specialist, Chemistry; Director, Demonstration Lab
Expert on the preparation, research and performance of chemical demonstrations, chemistry video, and teaching chemistry.

Robert McMahon
Helfaer Professor of Chemistry; Department Chair
Expert on physical-organic chemistry

Martin Zanni
Meloche-Bascom Professor of Chemistry
Specializes in developing and employing novel spectroscopies to study topics in biophysics and the energy sciences.

Helen Blackwell
Professor, chemistry
Expert on chemical biology of cell-cell signaling in bacteria, bioorganic chemistry, and organic synthesis

Bassam Shakhashiri
Professor emeritus, chemistry; director of the Wisconsin Initiative for Science Literacy
Expert on chemical education, science outreach, and communicating science to the public; noted science demonstrator

Ive Hermans
Professor, chemistry; chemical and biological engineering
Expert on sustainable chemistry and catalysis engineering