Tag environmental studies
Daniel Young
Professor; Entomology; Director UW Insect Research Collection (WIRC); UW-Madison Core Research Facility
Expert on general insect classification and natural history with specialization on beetle diversity, taxonomy, and natural history.

Harkirat Kaur
Plant and Agroecosystem Sciences
Corn production agronomist, leading corn agronomy research and extension at UW-Madison, focusing on economical and sustainable corn production.

Dominic Parker
Anderson-Bascom Professor, Agricultural and Applied Economics
Expert on economics of environmental, energy, and natural resource policy; expert on the economies of Indigenous communities; expert on natural resource governance and economic development

Michaela Hoffelmeyer
Assistant Professor, Department of Community and Environmental Sociology

Gregg Sanford
Assistant Professor, Soil Carbon & Cropping System Ecology; Director, Wisconsin Integrated Cropping Systems Trial
Expert on Cropping System Ecology, Soil Organic Carbon and related Soil Health metrics, Ecological Intensification, Organic Farming, Rotational Grazing

Margaret Zimmer
Associate Professor, Soil and Environmental Sciences
Expertise in surface water quality and quantity, non-perennial streams, surface water-groundwater interactions, and soil water

Ericka Wills
School for Workers | Department of Labor Education
Expert specializing in labor unions, union organizing, collective bargaining, labor disputes, including strikes and lockouts, and labor history.

Andrea Lang
Associate Professor, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
Expert on winter weather with a focus on understanding the drivers of winter and cool-season weather extremes and their predictability.