Tag energy

Tracey Holloway
Professor, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies and Department of Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences
Expert on air pollution, energy and environment, air quality and public health, and science careers

Timothy Donohue
Professor, bacteriology; director, Wisconsin Energy Institute
Expert on biofuels and bio-based renewable energy technologies

Paul Wilson
Professor, engineering physics; Chair, Energy Analysis and Policy Graduate Certificate
Expert on sustainable nuclear energy, energy policy, radiation transport in nuclear systems

Douglas Reinemann
Professor and CALS Associate Dean for Outreach and Extension
Expert on rural energy, energy sustainability (renewable and bio-energy), milking, stray voltage

Michael Corradini
Professor, engineering physics; chair, Energy Institute
Nuclear engineer with research interests focused on thermal hydraulics and multiphase flow for nuclear safety

Chris Kucharik
Professor, plant and agroecosystem sciences and Nelson Institute Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment
Expert on agroecosystems, agroclimatology, soil carbon sequestration, ecological modeling, water resources, climate change, and extreme weather

Douglas Reindl
Professor, engineering professional development, mechanical engineering; director, Industrial Refrigeration Consortium
Expert in industrial refrigeration systems and building heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) systems

Robert Hamers
Professor, chemistry; director, Center for Sustainable Nanotechnology
Expert on nanotechnology, sustainability, renewable energy environmental science, surface and interface science

Scott Sanford
Senior outreach specialist, biological systems engineering
Expert on energy conservation for agricultural enterprises, renewable energy, biomass energy

Giri Venkataramanan
Professor, electrical and computer engineering
Expert on electric power applications in homes, business, industry and transportation with specific interest in improving sustainable energy use

Glenn Bower
Faculty associate, mechanical engineering
Expert on automotive powertrains, including hybrids and electrics, alternative fuels, engine emissions and vehicle testing

Rodney Stevenson
Professor, business, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies
Expert on public utility regulation and energy policy

Xudong Wang
Grainger Institute for Engineering Professor, Materials Science and Engineering; Grainger Institute for Engineering
Expert on nanomaterial piezoelectric nanostructures, biomechanical energy harvesting, wearable and implantable medical devices, self-powered electrostimulation and electronics

Richard Shaten
Emeritus - Nelson Institute
Expert on the economic and environmental impact of energy systems

Dane Morgan
Associate professor, materials science and engineering
Expert on molecular modeling and simulation, primarily for energy technologies

Troy Runge
Associate professor, biological systems engineering
Expert on biomass composition impact on thermochemical processing systems

Rolf Reitz
Professor, mechanical engineering; director, Diesel Engine Research Consortium
Expert on diesel and gasoline engine performance and emissions, and spray technology

Ian Baird
Associate professor, geography
Expert on Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, Hmong, Southeast Asia, environmental policy, natural resource management, hydroelectric dams, land concessions, political ecology

Yehui Han
Assistant professor, electrical and computer engineering
Expert on power electronics and renewable energy

Martin Zanni
Meloche-Bascom Professor of Chemistry
Specializes in developing and employing novel spectroscopies to study topics in biophysics and the energy sciences.