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Tag energy

Yehui Han

Yehui Han

Assistant professor, electrical and computer engineering

Expert on power electronics and renewable energy

Martin Zanni

Martin Zanni

Meloche-Bascom Professor of Chemistry

Specializes in developing and employing novel spectroscopies to study topics in biophysics and the energy sciences.

Thomas Jeffries

Thomas Jeffries

USDA professor, microbiology

Expert on bioconversion, biorefining, advanced cellulosic biofuels, unconventional yeasts, yeast physiology, metabolic engineering and bioprocess engineering

Michael Cardiff

Michael Cardiff

Associate Professor, Geoscience and Geological Engineering (CEE)

Expert in monitoring and modeling of environmental issues related to ground water, water supply, and water quality

Dan Thoma

Dan Thoma

Professor, Materials Science and Engineering; Director, Grainger Institute for Engineering

Expert on alloy design, metal additive manufacturing, materials in extreme environments, advanced manufacturing, solidification, phase transformations, and energy materials

Zhou Zhang

Zhou Zhang

Assistant Professor, Biological Systems Engineering

Expert on data science for agriculture, high-throughput plant phenotyping, hyperspectral remote sensing, sustainable agriculture

Lennon Rodgers

Lennon Rodgers

Director, Grainger Engineering Design Innovation Lab

Christopher Zahasky

Assistant Professor, Department of Geoscience

Expert in hydrogeology, energy resources, and challenges at the energy-water nexus

Corbett Grainger

Corbett Grainger

Associate Professor, Ag & Applied Economics

Expert on environmental policy, natural resource policy, and income distribution.

Nan Li

Nan Li

Assistant Professor, Life Sciences Communication

Expert on visual communications of science, environment and agriculture; public opinion; audience psychology

Line Roald

Line Roald

Assistant Professor

Expert on electric power systems, renewable energy, transmission and distribution grids and energy system analysis. Passionate about sustainability, climate change mitigation and adaptation.

James Kelleher

Associate Professor of Medical History & Bioethics; Associate Professor of Philosophy

Expert on the intersection between ethics and climate change economics, and on ethical issues in health policy.

Morgan Edwards

Morgan Edwards

Assistant Professor, La Follette School of Public Affairs

Expert on climate policy, fossil fuel phaseout, and state and local climate solutions

Andrea Strzelec, Ph.D., FSAE

Andrea Strzelec, Ph.D., FSAE

Associate Scientist, Mechanical Engineering

Recognized for distinguished SAE leadership and impact in advancing the understanding of fuel effects on combustion, particulates, and emissions controls

Cary Forest

Cary Forest

Professor, Physics

Expert on Experimental Plasma Physics for Nuclear Fusion and Plasma Astrophysics

Mark Anderson

Mark Anderson

Associate Professor

Expert on advanced sustainable thermal energy production and utilization

Stephanie  Diem

Stephanie Diem

Assistant Professor, Nuclear Engineering & Engineering Physics

Expert on fusion energy and experimental plasma physics.

Abdollah Mohammadi

Dr/High Energy Physics

Experimental High Energy Physicist and a member of the CMS collaboration at the LHC at CERN

Manos Mavrikakis

Manos Mavrikakis

Professor/Chemical and Biological Engineering

Expert in Chemical Engineering, Catalysis, Sensors, Energy Conversion, Molecular Simulations, Nanotechnology

Rogerio Jorge

Rogerio Jorge


Expert on fusion energy, computational physics and plasma physics.