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Tag health/medicine, human

Dawn Davis

Dawn Davis

Assistant professor, medicine, endocrinology

Clinician specializing in diabetes and endocrinology; research expertise in diabetes, obesity, and cell and molecular biology

Cindy Kuhrasch

Cindy Kuhrasch

Distinguished Faculty Associate, Kinesiology

Expert in development of movement skills in children, integrated learning, affective education and assessment

Glenn Liu

Glenn Liu

Professor of Medicine and Medical Physics

Specializes in drug and imaging biomarker development in oncology with focus on prostate, kidney and bladder cancers.

Lori Anderson

Lori Anderson

Clinical Professor, School of Nursing

Expert on school health and school nursing and on school-age children with chronic health conditions and their families.

Hrissanthi (Chris) Ikonomidou

Hrissanthi (Chris) Ikonomidou

Professor, neurology

Expert on brain injuries in early life, impact of sedative and anticonvulsant drugs on the developing brain

R. Alta Charo

R. Alta Charo

Emerita professor, law and bioethics

Expert on regulation and ethics of scientific and medical innovation, including genetics, synthetic biology, stem cell biology and reproductive technologies

Thomas Oliver

Thomas Oliver

Professor, population health sciences; director, master of public health program

Expert on health policy, politics and system reform

John Denu

John Denu

Professor, biomolecular chemistry; epigenetics theme leader, Wisconsin Institute for Discovery

Expert in epigenetics, gene expression, metabolic regulation, cell signaling and drug discovery

Ronnie  Carda

Ronnie Carda

Associate faculty associate; coordinator, PE Activity Program

Expert on fitness and health aspects, fitness assessment, health promotion, marathon/distance running, aerobic training

Dale Schoeller

Dale Schoeller

Professor emeritus, nutritional sciences

Expert in human energy metabolism and body composition, including the causes and treatments of obesity

Craig Atwood

Craig Atwood

Associate professor, medicine

Expert on hormonal mechanisms of aging, hormone replacement therapy, Alzheimer's disease, prostate cancer and early human embryogenesis

Neal Barney

Neal Barney

Associate professor, ophthalmology and visual sciences

Expert on immunologic and allergic diseases of the eye

Michael Bentz

Michael Bentz

Professor and division chair, plastic surgery

Professor of surgery, pediatrics and neurosurgery, with expertise in plastic and reconstructive surgery, pediatric plastic surgery, hand and microsurgery

Curtis Brandt

Curtis Brandt

Professor, ophthalmology and visual sciences, medical microbiology and immunology; Director, Vision Research Core

Expert on herpes simplex virus infections, antiviral drug development, gene delivery vectors, treatment of eye diseases with gene delivery

David Bernhardt

David Bernhardt

Professor, pediatrics, orthopedics and rehabilitation

Expert on sports medicine and concussion

Suzanne Selvaggi

Suzanne Selvaggi

Professor, pathology; director, Anatomic Pathology and Cytopathology

Expert on gynecologic cytopathology and thyroid fine needle aspiration cytopathology

Kristen Slack

Kristen Slack

Professor; chair of the PhD program in Social Welfare

Expert on child maltreatment prevention, child poverty, child welfare systems

Lyn Turkstra

Lyn Turkstra

Professor, communicative disorders; faculty member, Neuroscience Training Program and Neurological Surgery

Expert on outcomes from traumatic brain injury and neurological disorders in adolescents and adults

Julia Wright

Julia Wright

Clinical professor; chief, section of hospital medicine; director, UW Health Regional Hospital Medicine

Expert in in-patient care, internal medicine, health care, practice management and hospital medicine

Nader Sheibani

Nader Sheibani

Associate professor, ophthalmology and visual sciences

Expert in retinal vascular biology, diabetic retinopathy, vascular molecular and cellular biology