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All Experts

Beth Graue

Beth Graue

Chair and Sorenson Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Expert on kindergarten practice, readiness, class size reduction, home-school relations

James Wollack

James Wollack

Associate professor, educational psychology; director, Testing and Evaluation Services, UW Center for Placement Testing

Expert on test security/cheating/academic misconduct, test development, placement testing, and educational measurement

Bruce Jones

Bruce Jones

Professor emeritus, agricultural and applied economics

Expert on agricultural finance, farm management and agricultural capital markets

Emily Auerbach

Emily Auerbach

Professor, English

Expert on Jane Austen and other 19th-century women writers

Shawn  Conley

Shawn Conley

Professor, plant and agroecosystem sciences; soybean and wheat extension specialist

Direct research and extension program for Wisconsin growers of soybeans, small grains and seeds

Brian Gould

Brian Gould

Professor emeritus, agricultural and applied economics

Expert on dairy marketing, dairy price risk management, applied econometrics, and the determinants of food purchase behavior

Jonathan Temte

Jonathan Temte

Professor, family medicine

Expert on epidemiology and management of influenza and other respiratory viruses in primary care, immunization policy, bioterrorism, seasonality/photoperiodism

Michael Thomas

Michael Thomas

Associate professor, bacteriology

Expert on developing new antibiotics using metabolic engineering of bacteria, and the identification of new antibiotics using nontraditional approaches

Terry Warfield

Terry Warfield

PwC Chair, accounting and information systems

Expert on accounting, financial reporting, international accounting, accounting regulation and standard-setting, securities regulation and corporate governance

Charlie Trevor

Charlie Trevor

Associate professor, management and human resources

Expert on the determinants and consequences of employee compensation and employee turnover, particularly employees companies can least afford to lose

William Schrage

William Schrage

Professor, Department of Kinesiology

Expert in cardiovascular physiology, exercise physiology, blood flow control in obesity, prediabetes

Karyn Riddle

Karyn Riddle

Assistant professor, journalism and mass communication

Expert on effects of exposure to media violence, with a focus on children's reactions

Randy Shaver

Randy Shaver

Professor, dairy science; dairy nutritionist, UW-Extension

Expert in dairy cattle nutrition, forages, grains and byproduct feeds for dairy cows

Kent Weigel

Kent Weigel

Professor and chair, dairy science

Expert on genetic selection and genomics of dairy cattle

Scott Sanford

Scott Sanford

Senior outreach specialist, biological systems engineering

Expert on energy conservation for agricultural enterprises, renewable energy, biomass energy

Raj Veeramani

Raj Veeramani

Professor, engineering and business; executive director, UW E-Business Consortium and Institute

Expert on internet of things, smart and connected systems, e-business strategy, supply chain management, digital business transformation and RFID

Amy Wendt

Amy Wendt

Professor, electrical and computer engineering; co-director, Women in Science and Engineering Leadership Institute

Expert on plasma science, applications of low temperature plasmas, women in science and engineering

Eric Shusta

Eric Shusta

Associate professor, chemical and biological engineering

Expert in protein engineering, protein therapeutics and drug delivery to the brain

Amy Bellmore

Amy Bellmore

Professor, educational psychology

Expert on adolescent peer relationships

William Murphy

William Murphy

Professor, biomedical engineering; Co-Director, Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Center

Expert on biomaterials, drug delivery, stem cells, medical devices, and tissue engineering