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Tag sustainability

Adena Rissman

Adena Rissman

Professor of the human dimensions of ecosystem management, Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology

Expert on the social and policy aspects of natural resources management and conservation, including land protection, forestry, wildlife habitat, water quality

Matthew Ginder-Vogel

Matthew Ginder-Vogel

Assistant Professor, Environmental Chemistry, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Expert on chemistry of metals and nutrients in environmental systems, drinking water, and waste disposal.

Ming-Yi Chou

Associate scientist

Tyler Lark

Tyler Lark

Researcher, Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment

Expert on U.S. agricultural land use, conservation, and federal policy

Adam Bechle

Adam Bechle

UW Sea Grant Institute

Elizabeth Hennessy

Elizabeth Hennessy

Assistant Professor, environmental studies, history, history of science

Expert on the Galápagos archipelago, the politics of conservation and ecotourism, political ecology, environmental and animal history

Zhou Zhang

Zhou Zhang

Associate Professor, Biological Systems Engineering

Expert on AI in agriculture, machine learning, big data analysis, remote sensing, multi-sensor data fusion, drone data collection and analysis, digital agriculture

Andrew W. Stevens

Andrew W. Stevens

Assistant Professor, Agricultural and Applied Economics

Expert on applied agricultural and food policy with interests ranging from US agricultural production to consumer food demand and food security

Katie Freeman

Katie Freeman

Program Manager and Instructor, Wisconsin Area Health Education Centers

Sustainable development expert with a focus on the ethics of tourism and voluntourism and the role of tourism in conservation and international development.

Michelle Miller

Michelle Miller

Associate Director, Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems

Expert on regional food systems and food supply chains, including food transportation, labor and governance.

Diane Mayerfeld

Diane Mayerfeld

Senior Outreach Specialist, Division of Extension, Agriculture Institute; Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems

Expert on sustainable agriculture

Tim  Osswald

Tim Osswald

Professor, Mechanical Engineering; co-Director, Polymer Engineering Center

Expert in the fields of plastics technology and manufacturing, including 3D printing

Corbett Grainger

Corbett Grainger

Associate Professor, Ag & Applied Economics

Expert on environmental policy, natural resource policy, and income distribution.

Chris McCahill

Chris McCahill

Managing Director, State Smart Transportation Institute

Expert in transportation engineering and urban planning. Focused on sustainable practices and data-driven policies.

Max Besbris

Max Besbris

Associate Professor of Sociology

Expert on how people make economic decisions and how economic decisions reproduce inequality.

Line Roald

Line Roald

Assistant Professor

Expert on electric power systems, renewable energy, transmission and distribution grids and energy system analysis. Passionate about sustainability, climate change mitigation and adaptation.

Qunying Huang

Qunying Huang

Associate Professor, Geography

Expert on flood mapping, wildfire damage assessment, Human Mobility, Remote Sensing, Social Media Analytics, and GeoAI

Victor Cabrera

Victor Cabrera

Professor and Extension Specialist in Dairy Management; Animal and Dairy Science

Development of decision support tools for improving dairy farm management. Leading the Dairy Brain project integrating live farm data pipelines for improved decision-making.

Sangkee Min

Sangkee Min

Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Expert on Advanced Manufacturing, Smart Manufacturing, Advanced Machining

Theresa Delgadillo

Theresa Delgadillo

Professor of English and Chican@ and Latin@ Studies

I study Latinx literatures and visual cultures.