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Martha Alibali

Martha Alibali

Professor, psychology

Expert on cognitive development, mathematics learning and gesture

Mitchell Nathan

Mitchell Nathan

Professor, educational psychology; chair, learning sciences

Learning and instruction, especially in mathematics and engineering

Colleen Capper

Colleen Capper

Professor; Co-Director of National Leadership for Social Justice Institute

Expert on equity issues in K-12 schools

Clifton  Conrad

Clifton Conrad

Professor emeritus, educational leadership and policy analysis

Higher education expert on equal educational opportunity and curriculum (student learning) at both the undergraduate and graduate levels

B. Bradford   Brown

B. Bradford Brown

Professor, educational psychology

Expert on social development, social transitions, and social media use during adolescence and young adulthood.

Peter Miller

Peter Miller

Assistant professor, educational leadership and policy analysis

Expert on community-based educational leadership, education in contexts of homelessness and school-community collaboration

Aydin  Bal

Aydin Bal

Professor, rehabilitation psychology, special education

Expert on the role of culture in special education identification and services

Cindy Kuhrasch

Cindy Kuhrasch

Distinguished Faculty Associate, Kinesiology

Expert in development of movement skills in children, integrated learning, affective education and assessment

Paula White

Paula White

Senior administrative program specialist, Wisconsin Center for Education Research

Project manager of FLARE (Formative Language Assessment Records for ELLs), Wisconsin Center for Education Research

Lori Anderson

Lori Anderson

Clinical Professor, School of Nursing

Expert on school health and school nursing and on school-age children with chronic health conditions and their families.

Kris Olds

Kris Olds

Professor, geography

Expert on globalization and urban change, globalization of higher education, forced evictions and the social impacts of mega events.

Michael Bleicher

Michael Bleicher

Professor emeritus, mathematics

Expert in mathematics: number theory and geometry, math education, standards and in-service training

William Reese

William Reese

Professor, educational policy studies and history

Expert in history of American education: history of high schools, reform movements, progressive education and testing

David Baum

David Baum

Professor of Botany; Fellow Wisconsin Institute of Discovery

Researcher and educator specializing in evolutionary biology and origins of life.

James (Jim) Maynard

James (Jim) Maynard

Senior instructional Specialist, Chemistry; Director, Demonstration Lab

Expert on the preparation, research and performance of chemical demonstrations, chemistry video, and teaching chemistry.

Jamie Henke

Jamie Henke

Distinguished Teaching Professor, Division of Continuing Studies; affiliate, Mead Witter School of Music

Expert in music theory and pedagogy, teaching and technology

Michelle Harris

Michelle Harris

Distinguished Faculty Associate, Biology Core Curriculum (Biocore)

Specialist in undergraduate biology instruction and K-12 outreach

Curtis Olson

Curtis Olson

Assistant professor, medicine

Expert on using education to improve quality, safety and cost-effectiveness of medical care

Joan Ershler

Joan Ershler

Program director, Waisman Early Childhood Program

Expert on early childhood development and education, services to young children with special needs

Peter Lalley

Peter Lalley

Emeritus professor, physiology

Expert in brain and spinal cord control of respiration; autonomic nervous system; neurotransmitters and control of respiration, effects of ageing on respiratory nervous system.