Tag psychology/human behavior

Steven Zwickel
Faculty associate, engineering professional development
Expert on technical communications, public speaking, interpersonal communication skills

Darald Hanusa
Senior lecturer, social work
Expert in domestic violence, relationships, assertiveness/ communication skills, stress and anger management, child and adolescent behavior problems, parenting, mood disorders

Stephen Gammie
Associate professor, zoology, Neuroscience Training Program
Expert on maternal behaviors

Ramon Aldag
Professor, management and human resources; Glen A. Skillrud Family Chair in Business
Expert on decision making, entrepreneurship, leadership, organizational behavior and culture, change, stress and coping, computerized decision aids, and motivation.

Keith Kluender
Professor, psychology
Expert in perception, especially auditory perception of complex sounds such as speech

Judith Harackiewicz
Professor, psychology
Expert on achievement motivation, goal-setting, competition and performance evaluation

Jane Piliavin
Professor emerita, sociology
Knowledgeable in altruism and helping behavior, health consequences of community participation, the sociology of sport
Michael Caldwell
Lecturer, psychology
Expert on juvenile delinquency, callous/unemotional or psychopathic features in adolescents, treatment of violent juvenile offenders, risk assessment, transfer of juveniles to adult court.
Chuck Kalish
Professor and chair, educational psychology; faculty affiliate, psychology
Expert on the development of social cognition and categorization/inductive inference

Claudia Reardon
Professor, psychiatry
Expert on sport psychiatry, including diagnosis and treatment of mental illness in athletes and benefits of exercise for mental health

Gary Lupyan
Professor, Psychology
Effects of language on cognition and perception. How does learning a language transform human cognition. Does learning different languages cause us to think differently?

Robert Howard
Director, Digital Studies Initiative; associate director, Folklore Program; associate professor of communication
Expert on Internet communication and contemporary religious belief

C. Shawn Green
Professor, psychology
Expert on learning and transfer, in particular the effects of video gaming on perception and cognition

Markus Brauer
Professor, psychology
Expert in human social behavior, especially in questions related to diversity/discrimination/inclusion, effective group work, sustainability, and interventions to change behavior

Craig Berridge
Professor, psychology; member, Neuroscience Training Program
Expert on neuropharmacology and behavioral neuroscience

Angela Byars-Winston
Professor, Dept of Medicine
Cultural influences on academic and career development, especially for racial and ethnic minorities and women in science, engineering, and medicine.

Edward Hubbard
Associate Professor, Educational Psychology
Expert on human brain functions, brain development, perception and cognition, and brain imaging

Haley Vlach
Associate Professor, Educational Psychology
Expert on children's learning and development; memory development, language development, generalization of knowledge, and concept learning and development.